Notice Me is written by Emem Uko, an up and coming young writer. This tale revolves around a young male singer, Anders who is the front of a boy band, The fans love him as he is gender neutral, appealing to a vast audience. However, Anders is conflicted, while he enjoys the adulation, he truly is in love with a girl, who may not love him back. His public persona is much different from his private life, and therein lies the problem. This is a different kind of story, one that will pull at your heartstrings in a unique way. Usually it is a girl chasing after a cute guy, but here the tables are turned. There is emotion and depth to the story, with a few quick turns here and there that change the focus from the present to the past when the band was formed. Even with these rather abrupt changes, the story is solid, and you can easily relate to Anders and his problem. The writing flows smoothly moving the plot and suspense along nicely. Highly recommend for an engaging and enjoyable story.